In the Shop

T.V. Cabinet

Here's is a tight spot to fit a TV cabinet with CD storage,
But custom is as the customer wants.

" Click to see the in shop completion"
Case work

Getting all the bulk cutting out of the way,
The two main cabinets can be assembled

Cutting the small counter top and setting the toe kick,
We can do a preliminary assembly of the cabinet

Face frames

A little millwork to cut out all the parts,
then the marking of all the dowel holes and finally drilling the holes.
Assemble and squaring of the face frames


With the glass doors we needed some shaper work,
then the assemble and clamp up

After some edgetaping and more sanding.
We work on the flutes and detailing.

After the base stain and sealer is applied
everything is sanded and the tint is sprayed on and.
completed with the finish coat.
click to enlarge


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